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8th Grade to High School Transition Information

Open House, Orientation and Pre-Registration Dates for Incoming Freshmen for 2022-2023 School Year

8th Grade to High School Transition Information

Open House, Orientation and Pre-Registration Dates for

Incoming Freshmen for 2022-2023 School Year


Eighth Grade families are welcome to attend any or all of the open houses to assist you in making important decisions regarding your student’s high school education; campus faculty, counselors, club sponsors, coaches, and administrators will be on hand to answer questions about the school, its academic and extra-curricular programs, and the registration process.


TUHSD Open House Flyer


Open House for parents and students will be held at each Tempe Union High School on the following dates:


5:30 PM | Preshow Student Orientation Presentation
6:30 PM | Principal Welcome, Meet & Greet, and Gallery Walk 


Desert Vista High School - Monday, November 8, 2021

Mountain Pointe High School- Thursday, November 4, 2021

Corona del Sol High School- Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Marcos de Niza High School- Wednesday, November 10, 2021

McClintock High School- Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Tempe High School- Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Student Orientation @ Altadena was on Tuesday, November 2, 2021

During Student Orientation at Altadena Middle School, students learned about the courses that are available. Students were given a curriculum booklet describing these courses to take home. In addition to the information that these meetings provide, the high school guidance counselors discussed with students the complete curriculum and specific requirements regarding high school. Students were provided information about registration and class selection process for high school, to distribute registration paperwork, and then return to pre-register students for classes on November 15 and 16, 2021.

Parents: Please carefully review the information your child received from the high school counselors to ensure the your child has everything he/she needs to register. As you review the registration materials, please note there are several forms which will require your signature. 

You can download your student's immunization record and report cards from your ParentVUE if necessary to submit to the high school.

Online Enrollment

Enrollment for all Tempe Union High Schools is available through Tempe Union's ParentVUE online enrollment system.

*Please note* Kyrene ParentVUE accounts do NOT transfer to TUHSD.