Clubs and Activities at Altadeña
Have fun and get involved!
Students from all grade levels who are part of Digital Arts, Media Production or Theater classes are welcome to join the Broadcast Club and Video Graphics Club as they prepare the morning announcements. Students can be members either as tech, preparing graphics, video, and filming the morning announcements.
Students can also be involved as on-air talent, although they are required to go through an audition process. Students taking Theater are encouraged to audition.
Students behind the camera are asked to work at least 2 days a week, while anchors are assigned to work one day. Students must be able to arrive at 7:30 in the morning on the day(s) they are working.
The main objective of the club is to produce the morning announcements for the student body each school day. Some students will be involved in pre-broadcast work in the area of graphics, photography and video. Most of this work is done during their class time in Media Production/Digital Arts. Most digital art students will be involved in handling the production side of the announcements on the morning of the broadcast. All students will learn how to work as a team as a critical part of the Altadena community.
Occasionally, there are full club meetings before school.
National Junior Honor Society
Contact: Mrs. Camarano and Ms. Ramseyer
Altadeña's National Junior Honor Society Chapter is a duly chartered and affiliated chapter of the prestigious NJHS national organization. Membership is open to those students who meet the required standards in five areas of evaluation: scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. NJHS students and their peers volunteer in their communities, making connections with, and serving within the community a priority. Altadeña's NJHS chapter annually invites qualifying 7th graders who achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.8 in the first semester of their 7th grade school year to apply for membership. Students are then selected to be members by a five-member Faculty Council, and qualified students will participate in an induction ceremony at the beginning of May.
Student Council
Contact: Ms. Adams, Mrs. Johnson and Ms. Rivera
Altadeña Student Council supports the school vision by promoting and providing leadership opportunities to help prepare and empower student leaders to serve their schools and communities.
Altadeña Student Council focuses on four core values:
Leadership – Supporting and empowering student leadership by building skills, opportunities, and knowledge
Engagement – Encouraging students to become involved in the school and community decision-making, activities and service learning
Activism – Helping build a climate of caring and respect through service to others, teamwork, and involvement
Democratic process – Promoting student voice by giving every student an opportunity to be heard and involved
Gay Straight Alliance Club (GSA)
Contact: Ms. Monson
GSA is a club for students who identify as LGBTQ+, have family or friends that do, or are straight allies, that want to have a safe place to hang out with their friends before school on Wednesday mornings. As purely a social space, friends gather to work on homework, listen to music, play games, draw, and just hang out and have a good time. Meetings are on Tuesday afternoons, from 3:05-4:05pm.
Art Club
Contact: Mrs. Berg
The Art club is a safe place where students can come to create arts and crafts. Students are welcome to use it as studio time or to participate in the handful of guided projects along with the facilitator, Mrs. Berg. Guided projects will include the following: mosaic coasters, weaving, printmaking, painting, and other miscellaneous crafts. The club will be held after school for the 2nd and 3rd quarters only, with a limited number of students.
Engineering Club
The purpose of the Altadena Engineering Club is to inspire and support students who are interested in learning more about Engineering. The club’s focus is to help students become better problem solvers and more creative through hands-on learning activities. Students will have the opportunity to build robots, become more proficient in CAD and 3D printing, and participate in fun engineering design challenges. Everyone is welcome to join the Altadena Engineering Club; taking STEM as a class is not a requirement to participate. This club meets in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarter and may have to be capped at capacity.
No Place for Hate
Contact: Mrs. Holmes
No Place For Hate is a club that exists across the country. NPH has earned several awards for its anti-bias programs that are designed to combat prejudice and create effective tools to address these issues in the classroom and community. Altadeña has taken up NPH because school should be a place where students feel heard and understood by their teachers and peers. NPH seeks to create a space where everyone feels like they belong, because every Altadeña student belongs here.
When: During lunch, in the Staff Center, 1–2 times a month
Cost: Free!
Chess Club
Contact: Ms. Brennan
The purpose of the Chess Club is to learn how to play or improve upon members' current chess skills. Chess can help students increase math skills, expand verbal skills, develop self-discipline, as well as improve concentration. Chess Club is held after school on Mondays, from 3:15 to 4:15 pm. Members will need a ride or permission to walk home after meetings.
Book Club
Contact: Mrs. Slosky
The purpose of the Altadena Book Club is to give students the opportunity to be able to read and discuss books together. The books are chosen by the students, one per month; and the club meets monthly for discussion of the chosen book and to pick up a new book for the following month. There is a student sign-up for snacks because it’s always more fun to eat a bit during the discussions. The club will be limited to 15 students. Club meetings are held once a month on Fridays from 3:10-4:00. Members will need a ride or permission to walk home after meetings.
Dungeons & Dragons Club
Contact: Mr. Bowser
Altadeña's Dungeons and Dragons Club is an extracurricular program where students come together to play Dungeons and Dragons, one of the most popular and famous tabletop roleplaying games. Members will go on adventures, fight monsters, discover treasure, and explore a mystical world. The club meets on Mondays.
Yarn Club
Contact: Mrs. Badgley
Altadeña Yarn Club meets to exchange ideas about projects, exchange "yarns" and yarn ideas for projects in knitting and crochet. This club provides an atmosphere where beginning "fiber artists" can seek assistance from more experienced "fiber artists." Students with all levels of knitting and crochet knowledge are welcome. Club meetings are Thursdays, from 3:10-4:00 pm, weekly.